Latest News Nigeria: Preparation for Perpetual Vows of Students from the Vice-Province d’Afrique de l’Ouest and Vice-Province of Nigeria Burkina Faso: The First Conference of the Laity Associated with the Redemptorists of the Vice-Province of West Africa Perpetual Profession of Religious Vows at the Vice-Province of Afrique de L’Ouest Formators’ Course in the Conference of Africa and Madagascar CONFERENCE OF THE REDEMPTORISTS OF AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR CONFERENCE OF THE REDEMPTORISTS OF AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR ASSEMBLY (COREAM)-KOLA Redemptorist Student from Matadi Vice-Province volunteers at the Kirchhellen Youth Monastery Renovation of the Redemptorist Common Novitiate House in Andranokobako, Madagascar: A Call to Action The Saint Alphonse Complex School Project (COSAF) Humanitarian response to the Tropical Cyclone Gamane in Madagascar. Celebration of the feast of St. Clement Hofbauer in Nigeria The Provincial Government of the Province of Brasilia visits Mozambique and celebrates the Perpetual Profession of two Brothers NEW MISSION IN LOME ARCHDIOCESE, TOGO Final Profession of Four Confreres of the Vice-Province of Nigeria Equipment for Skills Training Center Zimbabwe International Gathering of Redemptorist Lay Partners in COREAM COREAM CELEBRATES THE 3rd PHASE OF THE XXVIth GENERAL CHAPTER AND THE CONVOCATION OF THE COREAM ASSEMBLY A wonderful missionary experience with the Lay Partners of the Ivory Coast COREAM Commission for Partnership in Mission’s visit to the Lay Partners and Confreres in the Vice-Province of West Africa Stanggassinger Formation House in Ghana celebrated “Alphonsian Week” 25 years of Redemptoristines presence in Kiri, Burkina Faso Investiture of Novices in Ghana Priestly Ordination in Madagascar Annual retreat of the Vice Province of Nigeria Half a Million Vulnerable Children to be Assisted in Zimbabwe Vice Province of Madagascar held its Chapter Angola: Priestly ordination in fraternal communion Anchored in Hope Angola: 17th Chapter and the new leadership of the Viceprovince New Regional Council in Zimbabwe Newly ordained priest in the Region of Zimbabwe Vice-Provincial Chapter in the Vice-Province of West Africa Diaconate and Priestly ordinations in the Vice-Province of West Africa New Vice-Provincial leadership in Nigeria Revival of Parish Mission in Kenya Hope for the Aged in Kenya Angola and Mozambique: Together in formation West Africa: Four confreres made their profession The Vice Province of Nigeria hosts the first spiritual month program of the west african zone Annual regional retreat and a lecture on synodality in Zimbabwe REDEMPTORIST LAY PARTNERS IN AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR ARE TOGETHER IN MISSION Three Redemptorists of Congo ordained priests ONLINE COREAM ASSEMBLY Course for Formators, Conference of Redemptorists of Africa and Madagascar (COREAM) Annual Assembly in Africa & Madagascar First Profession in Kenya Three Redemptorists ordained priests in West Africa Preparation of COREAM Common Novitiates’ Formators Solidarity with Ukraine Solidarity with Ukraine Saint Clement M. Hofbauer C.Ss.R Solidarity with Ukraine Priestly ordination of Fr Adam Mukabva Letter from the Vatican SECRETARIAT OF THE STATE The First days of the COREAM General Chapter 1st phase of General Chapter of Redemptorists has commenced in Africa & Madagascar Blessed Peter Donders Mount Saint Alphonsus Limerick Christmas Appeal News from Angola-Mozambique Novitiate Redemptorist Missionary Vocation Sunday – Zimbabwe A Christian community served by the Redemptorists in the north of Niger Praying for three Redemptorists who died on Christmas Day 25th Profession of Vows of Confreres in the Vice Province of Nigeria The Fusion of the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana into the Vice- Province of West Africa Annual Celebrations at the National Shrine Of Our Mother Of Perpetual Help, Enugu, Nigeria Four New Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer in the Vice Province of Nigeria Ordination of Eight Confreres in the Vice-Province of Nigeria September 26: Memorial of Blessed Kaspar Stanggassinger South Africa: Women’s Month Events of joy and consecration in Madagascar Three more novices join in Nairobi from Ghana The official launch of the Ethel Foundation for the aged in Kenya Online COREAM Assembly and Network Meeting 19th to 23rd July, 2021 A course for formators of the Conference of Africa and Madagascar (Rome) Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help New Ordinations in West-Africa The Cluain Mhuire Bell rings again Supporting Covid Initiatives in South Africa A New Perpetually Vowed Redemptorist in Ghana Diaconate Ordination of A Redemptorist in Ghana New Redemptorist COREAM Coordinator Installed Perpetual Professions by the Redemptoristines in Burkina Faso Inauguration of Alabaster Jubilee in Fada N’Gourma Succesful Refurbishment at the Songa Lumueno health centre COREAM stand in Solidarity with the People and Salesians in the north of Mozambique Redemptorist International liturgy Remembering with Love Father Zephirin Funeral Arrangements Zephirin Luyila R.I.P Fr. Zephirin Ndongala Luyila C.Ss.R. They left but are still a part of family Letter from M. Brehl to Vice-Province of Nigeria Two Nigerian Confreres make their Perpetual Profession Prayer for Nigeria A powerful message from Redemptorist Bishop Raymond, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe Ordinations to Diaconate and Priesthood in the Vice Province of Matadi A Disciple of St. Alphonsus A Redemptorist in Ghana Ordained Priest New Water Resource at Lamba Hospital helps fighting Covid-19 Six steps towards serving Migrants and Refugees Prayer for Migrants and Refugees Celebrating five new Redemptorist Deacons in Nigeria Celebrating a Redemptorist Missionary at 93 First vows profession in Zimbabwe COREAM and Covid-19 COREAM embraces International Day of Conscience COREAM Shouts Out on Palm Sunday REDEMPTORIST SUPPORT TO MATERNITY SERVICES, DRC. Canonical Visitation and the Assembly of the Vice-Province of Matadi, Congo DRC March 9, 2020 Ordination of two confreres in Kenya Redemptorist Restructuring in Action Friends of REDS in Kenya 30th January 2020 Redemptorists launch new water resource in Mozambique. Redemptorist commitment to interreligious Dialogue General Assembly in Burkina Faso, West Africa Jubilee celebrations in the Vice-Province of Nigeria Redemptorists bring relief and hope to flood victims in Kerala, India. Redemptorist Solidarity Office invest in Maternity Services in Kimpese, DRC. Redemptorist Solidarity Office complete Monitoring Visit to Angola Silver Jubilee celebration at the Monastery of Kiri in the Vice Province of West Africa Zimbabwe: Four Novices received the Redemptorist habit Emergency Response to Flooding in Huruma, Zimbabwe. 17th October 2019 REDEMPTORIST SOCIETY OF NIGERIA FINAL PROFESSION OF VOWS IN THE VICE PROVINCE Blessing of Extension to Redemptorist Health Clinic in Mbanza-Ngungu, DRC DRC Redemptorists Solidarity Office delivers new Water Pump for Muvamba Mozambique. Perpetual Profession of Bro. Peter Francis Agnes Oteng, C.Ss.R in Ghana The Assembly of the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana Redemptorist Mission of Ghana Commences Silver Jubilee Celebrations The Redemptorists in the foreground in the young Church of Madagascar Renewal of vows and swearing-in at Ouagadougou First Religious Profession in Ouagadougou Formation of the young priests in the Vice-province of West Africa First Profession of Br. Keotshepile Salvation Mathuwe Spirituality course for the theologians of the Vice-Province of West Africa The Mid-Sexennial Meeting of COREAM in Kenya The Conference of Africa and Madagascar Networking Meeting in Nairobi Temporary Profession to the Redemptoristine Sisters (O.Ss.R) A powerful homily by Bishop Raymond Mupandasekwa CSsR to three new priests of the Diocese of Chinhoyi Annual Summit of the Confraternity of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Nigeria Priestly and Diaconate Ordinations in the Vice-Province of Nigeria Perpetual Professions and Diaconate Ordinations in the Vice-Province of West Africa Happy Feast Day Happy Independence Day Feliz Dia da Independência Commissioning of Six Confreres of the Vice Province of Nigeria to South Africa MISSIONING MASS OF SIX OF THE CONFRERES FROM THE VICE PROVINCE TO SOUTH AFRICA. World Day Against Child Labour UN PEACEKEEPERS DAY Seminar on Minors and Vulnerable Adults in the Vice Province of Nigeria. Congratulations to the Redemptorists of Mozambique Call for Prayer and Solidarity with the People of Burkina-Faso and Niger: Vice-Province of West Africa CYCLONE IDAI APPEAL: ZIMBABWE & MOZAMBIQUE Happy World Family Day Sympathies to the people of Burkina Faso 4th Mai 2019 First meeting of the Provincial chapter in South Africa COREAM FORMATION SECRETARIAT MEETS IN NAIROBI Happy English Language Day Redemptorists International Solidarity welcomes Simon Chagweda in Cork Leadership Seminar in the Redemptorist Vice Province of Nigeria 15th March 2019 Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer Day 2019 Meeting of COREAM CARP in Rome Happy Independence Day Ghana! Final Profession of Brother Peter Chitabanta at Cape Town Today is Zero Discrimination Day Today is International Day of Women and Girls in Science Celebration of our Consecrated life, Vice Province of Nigeria Prayers requested for Kenya, Congo, and Zimbabwe Installation ceremony of the Vice Provincial Government of Nigeria Redemptorist Vice Province of Madagascar elects a new Leader. Partnership in Mission in Action, in Angola Silver Jubilee celebrations in the Redemptorists Vice Province of Nigeria Blessed Peter Donders: Prophet of Justice and Liberation “Youth Mission Experience” in the Region of Zimbabwe Solidarity Gifts HAPPY INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY DAY 2018 Happy Jamhuri Day! Prayer on International Human Rights Day Coream speaks out against corruption in Africa and Madagascar Happy International Volunteer Day 2018 Reds in Harare organise male spirituality event Reds South Africa take a lead on Red Wednesday STAND UP FOR FAITH AND FREEDOM ON WEDNESDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2018 Great Progress in Construction Work at Redemptorist Health Centre, Mbanza-Ngungu , DRC A pilgrimage from South Africa to the Redemptorist Centres in Italy Annual National Convention of Confraternity of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Nigeria Conclusion of the Regional Assemblies of the Vice-Province of Nigeria Popular Mission in the Matadi Vice Province Remembering the Pioneers of the Region of Zimbabwe Redemptorists celebrating in the Matadi diocese Ordinations and Perpetual Profession in the Vice Province of Madagascar Eighth Assembly of COREAM Extraordinary Visit of the General Government and the Assembly of the Vice-Province of Luanda Kimpesi Maternal Health Mavambo Trust The Extraodinary Visit of the General Government in Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) Extraordinary Visit by General Consultors to DR of Congo and the Election of New Vice-Provincial Council Tapalogo HIV REDEMPTORISTS DELIVER ON EDUCATION IN ZIMBABWE COREAM Coordination and Restructuring Commission Meet in Rome Redemptorists host Education Learning Event in Zimbabwe Joyful Celebrations in Democratic Republic of Congo ‘Harambee’ Kinungi, Kenya An interview with Redemptorist students in Maputo, Mozambique Redemptorists begin a-new in Mozambique Father Raymond Mupandasekwa, C.Ss.R. appointed Bishop of the diocese of Chinhoyi New COREAM Coordinator Freezes into new role Mass of Thanksgiving, Kenya Ministry of a Redemptorist Brother Profiled Redemptorist Bookshop, Harare, Zimbabwe The Visitation of the General Government to the Harare Assembly Results Based Management Training with Mavambo Trust in Zimbabwe Redemptorist’s Building Capacity in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A Message from Isaac Curt Davies to the Redemptorists Temporary profession of six young men in Nigeria Reflections on Accountability and the Solidarity Office Solidarity Office Team in Action Vice Province of Nigeria Activities Fr. Zephyrin Luyila Ndongala, C.Ss.R., is appointed as the new Coordinator Final Profession in Zimbabwe Redemptorist Mission Kenya open a new community New Intern for Redemptorist Solidarity Office Two new Redemptorist Priests in Kenya. Reds and Associates focused on Results Thousands Celebrate Perpetual Help in Nigeria Redemptorists open a new parish in Burkina Faso Fr. Emmanuel from Burkina Faso completes an Internship in the Redemptorist International Solidarity Office Fr. Stephen Rehrauer, C.Ss.R talks on “Amoris Letitia” at Holy Trinity College in Harare Preaching in Solidarity with our Mission Niger Redemptorist completes studies in Arabic and Inter-religious dialogue Angola: Parish Mission in Lobito Emergency Appeal COREAM commences work on new Resource Centre Seven young Kenyans have commenced their vocational journey Redemptorist Bursars Training in Kenya Annual retreat of the Vice-Province of Luanda, Angola Welcome to the Novices Feast of St. Clement in the Vice-Province of Matadi Lenten Fast 2017 World Day of Social Justice Fr. General celebrates Holy Mass at St. Alphonsus House, Rome, along with his Council Mustard Seed Flourishes in Nigeria New Priest Ordained in Ghana Malcolm Salida joins Solidarity Office Impressive construction in Kenya by Redemptorists and Solidarity Office Redemptorists Building Bridges of Hope and Partnership in Zimbabwe 6th May 2014 Solidarity Office inspiring sanitation triggering process in Zimbabwe Solidarity Office at CORAT in Kenya Excellent Solidarity Office’ Projects in Kenya Redemptorists in Kenya Building Bridges of Hope Redemptorists Preaching and Giving Witness on the Closure of Year of Faith Redemptorists at CORAT Africa Redemptorist Church becomes an evacuation center Triptych handed over to Redemptorists in South Africa Glimpse of The Redemptorist Funded Latrine Construction Programme in Zimbabwe Redemptorist volunteer involved in Development Work WELCOMING FRANCIS MARIMBE CSSR INTO THE SOLIDARITY OFFICE REDEMPTORISTS REPORT FROM NAMIBIA SOLIDARITY OFFICE VISITS ZIMBABWE CDFC MEETING, DUBLIN COREAM MEETING, HARARE IRRIGATION PROJECT, ZIMBABWE REPORT FROM MATERDOMINI FORMATION COMMUNITY, NIGERIA FIRST REDEMPTORIST PARISH MISSION IN MOZAMBIQUE BROTHER FRANCIS MARIMBE C.Ss.R. REPORTS FROM ZIMBABWE MALEZI KENYA NEWSLETTER LAUNCHED Ordination of Rev. Christian Ewoenam Klu C.Ss.R March 22nd – FAST DAY 2013 MISSION ENGAGEMENT IN SOUTH SUDAN COREAM COORDINATION MEET IN NAIROBI REDEMPTORISTS CELEBRATE 25th ANNIVERSARY IN NIGERIA MINISTERING TO PRISONERS IN NIGER REDEMPTORISTS CELEBRATE 10th ANNIVERSARY IN MOZAMBIQUE REDEMPTORISTS COMPLETE BUILDING OF SCHOOL IN LUFUKU, CONGO COURSE FOR REDEMPTORIST BURSARS THE ORDINATION OF FR ISAAC CURT C.SS.R THE GIFT OF DISABILITY NEW MISSION CELEBRATION NOVITIATE NEWS FROM SOUTH AFRICA FIRST ZAMBIAN REDEMPTORIST ORDINATION SILVER JUBILEE OF THE VICE PROVINCE OF NIGERIA NEW MISSION ON MOZAMBIQUE/MALAWI BORDER TAKES SHAPE HOPE IN ABUNDANCE IN GHANA REDEMPTORIST BURSAR’S BENEFIT FROM SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAMME PROFESSION OF DOMINIC KOFI AMPOMAH GYANKYE COREAM GATHERS IN MADAGASCAR INVITATION TO OPEN A NEW MISSION IN CAMEROON 18th April 2012 REDEMPTORISTS CELEBRATE 100 YEARS IN SOUTH AFRICA CDFC MEETS IN ROME REDEMPTORISTS LAUNCH A NEW AFRICA & MADAGASCAR WEBSITE REDEMPTORISTS TO OPEN NEW MISSION ON THE MOZAMBIQUE/MALAWI BORDER REDEMPTORISTS PROVIDE EMERGENCY RELIEF TO DROUGHT IN THE HORN OF AFRICA COREAM MEETS IN ASSEMBLY REDEMPTORISTS ANNOUNCE FUNDING FOR EFFIDAYE RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN NIGER STUDENTS INITIATE COMMUNITY VEGETABLE GARDEN IN FADA N’GOURMA, BURKINA FASO