On 27th September, 2019, within the context of her Silver Jubilee Celebrations, the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana witnessed a memorable occasion as Bro. Peter Francis Agnes Oteng, C.Ss.R., made his Perpetual Profession of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience, together with the oath of Perseverance during Holy Mass at Mater Ecclesia (SMMC) Chapel, Sokode-Gbogame.
Bro. Oteng joined the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer-Mission of Ghana on 26th August, 2008 for his postulancy formation and made his temporary profession of vows on August 8, 2013 at Materdomini House, Enugu, Nigeria.
The Mass of the Perpetual Profession was presided over by Fr. Nicholas Ayouba, C.Ss.R, General Consultor for Africa and Madagascar, and concelebrated by a number of priests present: Redemptorists and diocesan, including Fr. William Horlu, Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese of Ho. Also supporting Bro. Oteng in this great celebration was a congregation made up of his Redemptorist confreres and students, family, friends, religious sisters among other lay faithful.
In his homily, Fr. Ayouba, who doubled as the delegate of Superior General, reflected on the scriptural texts of the day as well as the three vows and the oath as spelled out in the Constitution and Statutes of the Congregation. Bro. Oteng was thus reminded of the vows he first made, and invited now to a fuller dedication to Christ the Redeemer and his Mission forever amid the challenges that comes with it. The Mission Superior, Fr. Christian Klu, C.Ss.R, then proceeded to receive the vows of Bro. Oteng as a perpetually professed member of the Congregation.
The celebration which gave all the Redemptorist confreres in attendance the opportunity to renew their religious vows, also saw all of us present being treated to a wonderful cultural display in the form of dance, staged by some CYO members from St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Ho.