The first Redemptorist house was established in 1960 and there are currently 2 communities which are active both in the areas of relief for the poor and destitute and in encouraging the practice and the spread of the Christian faith.
In Hatcliffe Township we have been partners in constructing over 1000 shelters for the homeless who have victims of the government’s infamous Operation Murambatsvina (“drive out the filth”). Additionally, we feed the poor, distribute medicines for cholera, tablets for water purification and have outreach to children without education through our partnership with two congregations of religious sisters.
In our other Township parishes of Tafara and Mabvuku we are active in feeding schemes, literacy classes and educational projects. From one of our centres we are feeding 7200 children, many of whom are orphans and HIV positive. Redemptorist Publications Zimbabwe continues our apostolate of spreading the word of God through publications and other media.
Formation continues to be an important element in our Region and we currently have 25 young men in formation.
You can view images from our work in Zimbabwe here.
Contact details
Borrowdale – Regional Superior Residence
Rev. Regional Superior
St. Gerard’s House
Stonechat Lane
[263] ‹‹(0)4››
860 117 land line
293 5517 cdma
091 287 4711 cellular
[263] ‹‹(0)4›› 491 125