
Redemptorist missions in Nigeria

There are thirteen Redemptorist communities in Nigeria and parochial ministry is our first priority. We are working to develop mission preaching and have an organized team that preaches in areas where they have been invited. Devotion to Mary is also being promoted and we have acquired land from the Bishop of Enugu to develop a National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

We have a dedicated retreat house and our formation houses are filled with students preparing for missionary work. In the area of initial formation we are collaborating with the Redemptorists of Ghana.

As Redemptorists we continue our commitment to the most abandoned, both economically and those suffering spiritual abandonment. Our parish in Abuja has an orphanage and as well as working with orphans we engage in apostolic work with the destitute, and prisoners. We have a Redemptorist Youth and Vocations Ministry which is established in all our parishes and a group of lay people, known as the Friends of the Redemptorists, support and assist us in our apostolic works.

Fr. Callistus Nwachukwu CSsR Vice-Provincial of Nigeria

You can view images from our work in Nigeria here.

Contact details
Lagos – Vice-Provincial Residence

P. O. Box 541
Satellite Town, Lagos State


Very Rev. Vice-Provincial Superior
1 Mission Street
Sts. Michael, Raphael and Gabriel Church
Satellite Town, Lagos State


(0) 803 324 0528 Vice-Prov. Superior
588 2320 Community (land line)
774 2269 Community (land line)
(0) 802 517 9914 Local Superior
(0) 803 387 4579 Local Bursar