The first phase of the 26th General Chapter of Redemptorists has commenced in Africa & Madagascar. All online, there are participants representing 13 countries in Africa & others from Rome, Brazil & Ireland.
Monday 17, Fr. Mike Brehl CSsR, Fr. General speaks to Redemptorist Africa & Madagascar Conference as the 1st phase of the Redemptorist General Chapter gathers momentum.

Fr. Gerard, on behalf of the RSA Province, leads a moment of prayer on Day 2 of @COREAM_ie gathering & tenderly remembers Bradburne, Edwin, Tariro- Redemptorist novices who died tragically on Christmas Day in Zimbabwe.

Excellent presentation by Fr. Brendan Kelly on the various Redemptorist departments in the Congregations’s Curia in Rome delivered at @COREAM_ie Chapter process.

The Coordinator of the Redemptorists in Africa & Madagascar, Fr. Noel Sottima, delivered his report to the @COREAM_ie Chapter process. Noel is from Benin & has lived in Burkina Faso, Rome & Nairobi.
Fascinating contribution from Fr. Patrice Nyanda from Burkina Faso, speaking about 75 year history of Redemptorists in Niger and Burkina Faso.

The first phase of the 26th General Chapter in the Conference of Africa and Madagascar is being conducted online, due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, from January 16 to 25. It gathers 26 participants, including Fr. Michael Brehl CSsR, superior general and three members of the General Government. Frs. Joaquim Parron CSsR and Bento Katchingangu CSsR are moderators of the assembly
It is the second time when the General Chapter takes place in three phases which offer possibilities for broader and larger participation in the process of the General Chapter, including decision-making and the implementation of decisions. Every Province, Vice-Province, Region and Mission is represented at the first phase gatherings, organised between January and June 2022 in each Conference. During the first phase, the delegates will thoroughly study and discuss the various reports, the questions to be addressed by the General Chapter, and all the proposals for action. They can also prepare proposals to be presented at the second phase, scheduled to start in Rome on September 11 this year.
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