(from 18th April, to 1st May, 2023)

Members of the Commission for Partnership in Mission, COREAM, spent time with our Redemptorist Lay Partners and Confreres in the Vice-Province of West Africa. During the visit, the Directory for Partnership in Mission and the Ratio Formationis were fully animated. Quality time was also spent with the students at both the St Gerard and St John Newman Formation Houses in Ouagadougou for integration and formation on the Directory and the Ratio.
The Visit which was a time of formation, integration and experience sharing was also spent with members of the two Lay Associate Groups that exist in Burkina-Faso. The groups, namely; the Fraternity of Redemptorist Lay Associates and the Confraternity of our Mother of Perpetual Help, were charged on regular formation for their spiritual development and to familiarize themselves with the contents of the Directory as a guide for initiating new forms of partnership. One of the achievements during the visit was capacity building for formation of lay partners.
The visit ended with a beautiful liturgy on the 30th of April, 2023 which had Confreres and Lay partners gather from various parishes. After the Mass, at Lunch we had more opportunities for interactions and recreation. We sang, danced and shared beautiful moments together.
Lady Judith Agu, LSM
President, Commission for Partnership in Mission, COREAM
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