The Mavambo Trust was founded by the Redemptorists in Zimbabwe in 2001. Initially, Mavambo Trust was established to assist vulnerable children to access education in the communities of Mabvuku, Tafara and Goromonzi near the capital city of Harare. As the HIV/AIDS pandemic spread, Mavambo expanded its services to provide Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) with education catch-up programmes, psycho-social support (PSS), nutrition support and community capacity development programmes.
With support from Misean Cara, COREAM has partnered with Mavambo since 2010 and we are continuing to work towards the following objectives:
- Improving access to education for OVC through strengthening Mavambo’s Accelerated Literacy & Numeracy Education programme, offered at the Mavambo Learning Centre – 44 OVC benefit each year;
- Improving access to holistic PSS for OVC including counselling, access to health services, after-school activities, HIV/AIDS awareness training and support to acquire birth certificates and legal documents – 200 OVC benefit each year; and
- Empowering the communities of Mabvuku, Tafara and Goromonzi to play a larger role in responding to the challenge of OVC by running capacity building programmes, awareness raising programmes and small-scale income generation activities – 200 caregivers and 100 community volunteers benefit each year