The Vice-Provincial chapter was held in the Vice-Province of West Africa from January 9 to 12, 2023 at Saint Gerard House in Ouagadougou. There were 7 ex-officio members, and 17 elected delegates and guests: Father Nicolas AYOUBA, General Councilor for Africa and Madagascar; Father Désiré ZANTE, Provincial of France; Father Noël SOTTIMA, Coordinator for Africa and Madagascar; Father Noël ESHIKENA, Vicar Vice-Provincial of Nigeria, Father Eric BAYI; Brother Pierre KIEMA; Brother Jean de Dieu SAWADOGO and Brother Michael; including a total of 32 participants presented during the chapter.
On the evening of January 09, all the capitulars gathered in Saint Gerard for a fraternal meal then followed a small orientation updating the timetable for the smooth running of the chapter. The chapter began on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 7:30 a.m. with Lauds.

During this chapter, the capitulars elected the new Vice-Provincial Government for a new quadrennium; men who have the heavy task of guiding the Vice-Province for a renewal and missionary zeal, for a rebirth of the pride of being Redemptorist in the footsteps of Saint Alphonsus and thus being, as the theme of the sexennium recommends to us, “Missionaries of Hope in the footsteps of the Redeemer”. This is a great missionary challenge for the Vice-Province to continue to be missionaries of hope. We ask God for power and strength to witness as spirit-filled men to carry out the work of the Redeemer.
The chapter ended on Thursday, January 12, 2023 evening with the Salve Regina. We give thanks to God for the assistance of his Holy Spirit, and we implore the unfailing assistance of our Mother of Perpetual Help for the members of the new Government.
The new Government of the Vice-Province of West Africa is composed of:
Vice-Provincial: Father Olivier Nobila SAWADOGO
Vicar Vice-Provincial: Father Ibrahim SEYDOU
1st Councilor: Father Mark TORWOE
2nd Councilor: Father Siméon Chabi BIAOU
3rd Councilor: Father Pascal Wendpuiré TIENDREBEOGO
Fr. Marc TOGUYENI, C.Ss.R.
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