Funeral Arrangements Zephirin Luyila

Funeral Arrangements

 Zephirin Luyila Ndongala, Redemptorist

Friday 20/11/2020

  • 9:00 Arrival of Body at Ndjili airport, via Kenya Airways
  • 10:30 Departure from the airport to the ASUMA Headquarters in Righini
  • 13:00 Resting in ASUMA chapel
  • 15:30 Departure for Kongo Central (Kisantu Mortuary)
  • 20:00 Eucharist at the Parish Sacre-Coeur de Mbanza-Ngungu
  • 22:00 Rosary (Legion of Marie)
  • 22:30 Mortuary vigil (Animation: Choir and other music groups)

Saturday 21/11/2020

  • 7:00 Lauds
  • 8:30 Arrival of body in the Church of Sacre-Coeur
  • 9:00 Rosary (Legion of Marie)
  • 9:30 Storage of flowers
  • 10:30 Eucharist
  • 13:00 Burial in the Redemptorist Cemetery in Kola (Mbanza-Ngungu)
  • 14:00 Meal in Saint Gerard Centre in Kola

Through our prayers and eucharistic celebrations. Let us entrust the soul of our late confrere and brother to Mary’s motherly affection, our Lady of the Perpetual Help. For death can never separate us from the unfailing love of our God.

Kinshasa, 14 November 2020

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