Côte d’Ivoire

Redemptorist missions in Cote d"Ivoire

Cote d’Ivoire – The Redemptorists have been working in Cote d’Ivoire since 1993 and have established two mission stations, one in Tiebissou, a rural area and the other in Bouake, in a poor neighbourhood on the urban periphery.

The focus in both missions is to identify and encounter the most abandoned poor. A large part of our missionary activity is dedicated to the human development of a population impoverished by long years of war and affected negatively by social and political insecurity. Thus we organise and administer a welcome centre for students, a clinic, farming and livestock-raising enterprises and the granting of small loans to help the poor acquire economic self-sufficiency.

We make a special effort in forming and giving responsibility to laity as catechists, community leaders and agents of evangelisation.

You can view images from our work in Côte d’Ivoire here.

Contact Details



Mission Catholique
B.P. 643
Bouaké 04
Côte d’Ivoire


[225] 3164 4127

Supérieur [225] 07 43 23 88