On July 23rd, five Redemptorist Bursar’s from Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe, Ghana and Zimbabwe commenced an important training course in Nairobi, Kenya. The course is a month long course in Financial Management and is being held at the Corat Institute in Nairobi, Kenya. Corat is the Christian Organisation Research and Advisory Trust of Africa. The organisation exists to provide effective leadership and management to churches and church related organisations in Africa through training, facilitating, consulting, research and development.
The training course is an initiative of the Redemptorist Conference for Africa and Madagascar (COREAM) and the funding for the course was sourced by the Redemptorist Solidarity Office for Africa and Madagascar.
The Redemptorist participants on the course are Devine Darbey C.Ss.R. from Ghana, Vincent Ezezue C.Ss.R. from Nigeria, Isaac Davies C.Ss.R. from Zimbabwe, Tyrone Sam from South Africa and finally Raphael Kitheka C.Ss.R. from Kenya. Confreres were also invited from Mozambique and Madagascar and Angola, but these units declined the invitation. Topics covered in the course includes; Stewardship, Accountability & Integrity, Financial Management, Budgeting, Management and Delegation, Books of Accounts, Banking, Bank reconciliations, Project Proposal writing, Internal control systems.
A similar programme of study will be organised for the French speaking bursars in Africa and Madagascar in October in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Gerry O’Connor C.Ss.R. ( the procurator for Africa and Madagascar) as well as Malcolm Salida who is a member of the COREAM Finance and Development Commission (CDFC) led workshops with the Redemptorist participants and provided training to strengthen the accounting systems in the Kenya Mission.