

Mission in Action 

The Redemptorists in Africa and Madagascar are working hard to play our role in ushering in the reign of God. In our parishes and on our missions and in all our apostolic work we have thousands of  volunteers from Africa and Madagascar who work with us, pray with us and plan with us.  Our approach to mission is rooted in the principle of partnership.  We welcome international partners from around the world, including organisations, groups and individuals.  We collaborate and network extensively with Redemptorist Units from different quarters of the world.

Serve Volunteers from Ireland trying a newly built waterpump at the Redemptorist Mission in Muvamba, Mozambique

Mission Participation 

The Redemptorists of Africa and Madagascar welcome international participation in our mission.  Our Solidarity Office for Africa and Madagascar coordinate a number of diverse programmes:

  • Immersion Programmes- These are one to two week programmes suitable for schools and parishes and groups interested in visiting, understanding, collaborating with and supporting the Redemptorist Mission in Africa and Madagascar.
  • Solidarity Programmes- These are two to three week programmes for established groups who wish to visit a mission area and participate in service programmes in support of mission projects.
  • Short-term Volunteering Programmes- These are four to six week programmes where individuals join a group initiative to participate in service programmes and support mission projects.
  • Long-term Volunteering Programmes- Opportunities for skilled and committed individuals to join the Redemptorists mission for contracts of one and more years.

Programme Features 

The following features are integral to each of our programmes:

  • Pre-project orientation and reflection;
  • Study of mission, development education and Catholic Social Teaching;
  • Group participation;
  • Fundraising in favour of the Redemptorist Mission;

For further information, whether you are an individual, parish, school, group, please contact our Solidarity Office by contacting Gerry O’Connor C.Ss.R. at