By Isaac Curt Davies
Saturday 28th of October 2017 marked the day when the Solidarity Office for the Conference of Africa and
Madagascar put up some of the office structures. It was a day to rejoice in seeing the renovations taking place into the making of Coream offices. These offices are situated in Nairobi, Karen, where our Redemptorist Mission of Kenya has a house. This my dear brothers has always been the dream and vision of the General Government for the Conference of Africa and Madagascar. We have come a long way now and only a few things need to be put in place and we cannot afford to tire now. This will be a great milestone in bringing and channeling resource together for mission. The Constitutions have always taught us that we come together, we exist for mission. We thank you for your support so far and still ask for your support and patience as we work towards completing these offices for Africa and Madagascar. This is an interesting and exciting phase for the Congregation in Africa.