(Kenya) From July 16th to July 28th, 2018, the General Secretariat of Formation sponsored in English a course for formators of the Africa/Madagascar Conference in Kenya, Africa. Besides the President of the Secretariat and Fr. Alberto Eseverri, C.Ss.R. (Vicar General of the Congregation), the Coordinator of the Conference, Fr. Zéphirin Luyila, C.Ss.R., the Executive secretary of the Secretariat, Fr. Manuel Rodríguez Delgado, C.Ss.R., and eleven formators from five countries participated in the course.
We were fortunate to count on some excellent resources for the content of the course: Fr. Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R., our Major Superior shared with the formators the historical foundations, the fundamental concepts of our charism/spirituality and qualities of good formators. Fr. Gerry O’Connor, C.Ss.R., from the Congregation´s Commission of Solidarity with the Conference of Africa and Madagascar shared on the importance of good financial management and protocols for the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. Brother Reginald Cruz, CFX, a well-known and respected professor in Kenya who serves on the Roman Dicastery in Rome for Religious Life and Secular Institutes shared on the foundations of Religious Life, the changes of paradigms over the years, the animation and formation for Religious Life and several dangers, for example, clericalism.
Fr. Agustine Mugambi, C.Ss.R., shared with us the importance of moral theology in formation. Fr. Zhépirin Luyila, C.Ss.R., coordinator of the Conference, shared with us the realities of formation in the Conference, the proposal for the Ratio Formationis and the possibilities of restructuring and reconfiguration of the Conference units and the consequences for formation. Fr. Alberto Eseverri, C.Ss.R., shared in several sessions practical tools for formators. Also, we received three digital conferences, previously prepared from three offices of the Congregation in Rome: the Office of Communications, the Center for Spirituality and the Secretariat for Evangelization. Subsequent to these presentations, we had on-line live video-conference with Fr. Biju Madathikunnel, C.Ss.R., Fr. Piotr Chyla, C.Ss.R. and Fr. Cristian Bueno, C.Ss.R., for the sharing of observations, clarifications and questions.
The course was evaluated as very helpful and positive by the participants, most of whom were making this type of course for the first time. The General Secretariat for Formation thanks the mission superior of Kenya, Fr. Rafael Kitheka, C.Ss.R., and the coordinator of the Conference, Fr. Zephirin Luyila, C.Ss.R., for their generous collaboration for this course. Also, we thank the Domun Dei Missionary Family Sisters and the Roussel House,for providing space for the course and the same center where, previous to the course, the Conference Assembly took place. The services and personalized attentions of the Sisters and their staff were excellent.
Fr. Joseph Musendami, C.Ss.R.
(member of the General Secretariat for Formation)