The Vice-Provincial chapter was held in the Vice-Province of West Africa from January 9 to 12, 2023 at Saint Gerard House in Ouagadougou. There were 7 ex-officio members, and 17 elected delegates and guests: Father Nicolas AYOUBA, General Councilor for Africa and Madagascar; Father Désiré ZANTE, Provincial of France; Father […]
Daily Archives: January 28, 2023
2 posts
Five Candidates from the Diocese of Ho in the Volta Region, Ghana, were ordained Deacons on 20th December 2022 at the Diocesan pastoral center, Sokode Gbogame , by the Diocesan Bishop Most Rev Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD. One among them was our dear Redemptorist confrère Michael Torwoe CSsR, The Superior […]