Redemptorist Identity Click on the links below to open the articles: Communauté missionnaire et identité rédemptoriste dans le contexte africain (Français) – P. Pascal Sorgho C.Ss.R. [pdf] The Missionary community and Redmptorist identity in the African context (English) – Fr. Pascal Sorgho C.Ss.R. [pdf] Redemptive Poverty (English) – Fr. Sean Wales C.Ss.R. [pdf] The failure of Clement Hofbauer (English) – Fr. Sean Wales C.Ss.R. [pdf] Perspectives de la Vie Consacrée en Afrique (Français) – P. Aristide Gnada C.Ss.R. [pdf] Perspectives on Consecrated Life in Africa (English) – Fr. Aristide Gnada C.Ss.R. [pdf] Perspectivas da Vida Consagrada na África (Portugês) – Aristide Gnada C.Ss.R. [pdf]