Here are some tips you will find useful for fasting:
We recommend that you read through our Fast tips before you start.
Firstly, some essentials:
- It is a good idea to start your Fast after your evening meal
- Don’t go without drinks during your Fast
- Make sure to drink plenty of liquids while fasting
- You might want to suck on sweets to keep your energy up (don’t worry, it isn’t cheating!)
- Don’t fast for too long – no more than 24 hours
- Only ask family, friends and people you know for sponsorship
Please eat something if you start to feel unwell. Or, if you develop a headache or feel lightheaded or dizzy. Your health is very important and your sponsors will understand.
Not for everyone:
Fasting is not recommended for everyone. If you have any of the following, you should not fast:
- Diabetes
- Kidney or liver problems
- An eating disorder
- Asthma
- Tuberculosis
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not fast. If in doubt, please consult your doctor.
Please Remember:
All children taking part should do so under the supervision of an appropriate adult.
All participants in the Fast Day freely accept and voluntarily assume any risks associated with taking part in the Fast.