News from Angola-Mozambique Novitiate The Covid-19 pandemic has touched the agenda of people and institutions around the world. Even in Africa… But it didn’t leave us paralyzed. It made us look for other paths, take new approaches. For many years, the Vice-Province of Luanda (Angola) sent its novices to Sister Units in […]
Reflection submitted by Fr. Gideon Sidinga, C.Ss.R, novice master Redemptorist Missionary Vocation Sunday – Zimbabwe The Capitulars of the 2016 General Chapter did indeed experience a Pentecostal moment when they chose the Sexennial theme – “Witnesses of the Redeemer in solidarity for mission in a wounded world”. This theme was […]
Redemptorists all over the world are mourning the death of three of our brothers: Bradburne, Edwin and Tariro who died tragically in a car accident on #ChristmasDay in #Zimbabwe The funeral of our three novices will take place the 29th of December in the morning at St Alphonsus House, Harare. […]
25th Profession of Vows of Confreres in the Vice Province of Nigeria Saturday 11th, December 2021 was celebrated in a remarkable way, as ten confreres of our Vice Province marked 25 years of their commitment of vows in the Vice Province. Be that as it may, three of these confreres […]
27-28 November 2021 On 27th November, 2021, the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana assembled for a meeting ahead of the official union of the Mission with the Vice Province of West Africa.In attendance at this all important meeting included confreres working in the Mission as led by Fr. Christian Ewoenam Klu, […]
History was made in the Vice-Province of Nigeria on Saturday 11th, September 2021, as four new missionaries of the Most holy Redeemer made their commitments at the beautiful Liguori House chapel. Fr. Jude Anyaegbu, CSsR, the Vicar of the Vice-Province, received their commitments on behalf of the Vice-Province. Frs. Hilary Pamkatai, […]
It was a beautiful and joyful day with lovely weather on Saturday, September 4th, 2021, at Redeemer House as jubilant crowds gathered to celebrate the ordination of eight of our Redemptorist confreres. It was indeed a day of joy for the Vice-Province of Nigeria and for the families of eight […]
We, the Redemptorist family all over the world, celebrate yet another saintly man Blessed Kaspar Stanggassinger on the 26th of September. He was born on 12th January 1871, in Berchtesgaden, in southern Germany. He was the second of 16 children. His father was a farmer and owned a stone quarry. From […]